
20 Best Bleach Quotes of All Time

Bleach‘s dramatic return to the world of anime has many fans reminiscing about the original series, remembering their favorite characters as they get ready to finally see the end of Bleach animated. One of the things that fans often turn to Bleach for are quotes from these iconic characters, especially those that help to sum up a character’s whole worldview in a single line.

The final arc of the anime’s main storyline is bound to contain more amazing quotes to uplift its audience, but there are plenty of classic lines straight from the original series as well. Words said within the heat of battle can leave a lasting impact on the show’s characters and viewers alike, but which stuck with the audience most throughout the series?

20 “I wish I could live life five times over. Then I’d be born in five different places, and I’d stuff myself with different food from around the world… I’d live five different lives with five different occupations… and then, for those five times… I’d fall in love with the same person…”

— Orihime Inoue

Orihime speaks to the power of love in this quote, a love that can even transcend a single lifetime. While Orihime acknowledges that her life would be very different depending on the exact circumstances, she can never imagine herself falling for anyone but Ichigo. She says this to him as he sleeps, just before being taken to Hueco Mundo, making it something of an indirect confession of her love at what she thinks must be the last opportunity. It’s incredibly sweet, and sums up Orihime as a character incredibly well.

Orihime’s beautiful confession makes it clear why Ichigo went to such great lengths to save her–even if he never actually heard her say it. While it would be a long time before the two would finally get to declare their love for each other, this quote proves that the feelings were there long before.

19 “…If fate is a millstone, then we are the grist. There is nothing we can do. So I wish for strength. If I cannot protect them from the wheel, then give me a strong blade, and enough strength… to shatter fate.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

Bleach anime screen grab of Ichigo in his garb from Squad Zero.

This quote from Ichigo sums up everything he represents as a character. Fate is cruel, and its power is beyond the capacity of most people to resist, but Ichigo shows the lengths of his resolve. Ichigo will break the very systems of the world if that’s what it takes to protect his friends, a classically shonen sentiment if ever there was one. Ichigo lives up to this on several occasions, particularly when it comes to rescuing Rukia, and later Orihime. If there’s any anime character who stands against their fate at every turn, it’s Ichigo.

One can really feel Ichigo’s resolve in these words, and his determination to prevent anyone around him from suffering. This quote could be inserted into almost any battle that Ichigo faces, and it would still be just as relevant and poignant as it is the first time.

18 “There is no need to worry. I am here. There is no better security than this.”

— Head Captain Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto

Yamamoto surrounded by flames.

This quote may be one of the most intimidating lines spoken in Bleach, especially considering that Yamamoto says this directly to the enemy Quincy’s face after they’ve already infiltrated the Soul Society. It speaks to a level of confidence and ability that’s almost unimaginable, and when Yamamoto puts his powers to the test, it certainly does live up to the threat. Yamamoto’s skill and confidence comes from over a thousand years of experience, making it almost impossible for anyone to best him… almost.

Yamamoto isn’t one to brag or show off; in fact, he often goes to great lengths to not use his full power, allowing all manner of things to occur without intervening. It serves to prove how serious the threat posed is, but also how capable the battle-worn Head Captain truly is.

17 “A Villain.”

— Renji Abarai, Lieutenant of Squad 6

With Mask De Masculine trouncing his opponents, convinced he’s a hero of justice fighting for the Quincies while the Soul Society tries to defend against his assaults in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2. But Renji, who enters the battle late alongside Rukia, plays along with Masculine’s fantasies, playing the villain’s part to shatter the delusion, calling Masculine nothing but a petty thief for hiding beneath his mask. The ensuing battle is a glorious clash where Renji uses the frightening power of the So-Oh Zabimaru.

Much of TYBW’s most anticipated moments are one-liners like these, where the heroes of Bleach rally against their deadly opponents in their finest hour. It’s a more subdued form of fanservice, but becomes part of what viewers look forward to seeing the most, especially for fan favorites like Renji.

16 “Battle is not a stage for empty heroics and nor is it something to take pleasure in. Battle is filled with despair. Dark, terrifying. That is the way that it should be. That way, people learn to fear battle and to choose the path of non-violence where possible.”

— Izuru Kira, Lieutenant of Squad 3

Bleach: Izuru Kira

Shonen anime and manga like Bleach can sometimes seem as if they glorify the idea of fighting and doing battle, but quotes like this one prove that Tite Kubo understands how terrible violence actually is. Bleach‘s enemies may not leave room to negotiate, but that’s rarely the case in real life, and Kubo reminds us here that one should never resort to violence when a non-violent solution is an option. It might seem obvious, but it’s an important lesson that a great many people can miss.

An important part of being a hero is recognizing when to use violence and when not to, and violence is never the first thing one should resort to. While it may not be as badass as some of the other quotes from Bleach, it’s arguably the most important one here.

15 “Throwing away victory for the sake of manners is a rookie mistake. …No matter what debts you may owe, from the instant you find yourself on the battleground, both sides are evil.”

— Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of Squad 2


This poignant quote from Squad 2’s Captain Shunsui Kyoraku is a long one, but its message is clear. Whether you see yourself as the good guy or not, being polite to the enemy is an invitation for destruction. Once things have reached the point of physical violence, there is no more distinction between good guys and bad guys; there are only those who survive and those who do not. By using violence, one has already ceased being “good.”

It’s a wake-up call to some of the more chivalrous fighters in Bleach, who will occasionally put themselves at a disadvantage to avoid the illusion of unfairness. Their enemies, on the other hand, won’t hesitate to use their chivalry against them, and any Soul Reaper who doesn’t learn this lesson quickly isn’t likely to live long.

14 “The Blade Is Me.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

Capping off an exciting first season of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, Ichigo has a key moment he shares with Zangetsu. Zangetsu acknowledges how much Ichigo has grown while fading to leave behind only the sword. The episode concludes with Ichigo committing to no longer calling on them in battle but to fight on his own, declaring that he and them are the same, or “the blade is me” with true “I’m Him” energy.

The episode in question, TYBW Part 1, episode #13, uses this in its final moments as “Number One” plays in the background before leading into the dark second phase of the anime. It’s not until Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 2 that Ichigo’s proper return is hampered while the Soul Society fights glorious battles for viewers to enjoy.

13 “It’s Easier To Crush A Dream Than Realize One.”

— Gin Ichimaru, former Captain of Squad 3

Gin with his eyes closed in Bleach.

Known for being one of the most mysterious and intricate villains in the anime, Gin is someone who is highly aware of how easy it is to ruin someone’s dreams, and not just because he has crushed many of them himself. The only person’s dream he seemed to care about was the good-hearted Rangiku Matsumoto, since she and Gin grew up together in poverty. The tragedies of his backstory lead him to become a cold man, venturing down a long and dark path in life for the sake of revenge–though he isn’t entirely evil.

Dreams are essential in Bleach as characters try to better themselves, which is what makes Gin’s proclamation so damming. Much like in One Piece, having one’s dreams crushed is a fate worse than death in Bleach. This is what makes Gin’s quote so insidious. Instead of working to help those around him flourish, he would rather crush their hopes and leave them shells.

12 “It’s Meaningless To Just Live… To Just Fight. I Want To Win.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo stares in Tite Kubo's Bleach anime.

Those who know Ichigo well are aware of just how motivated and determined he is when it comes to fulfilling a higher purpose, his headstrong way of thinking is sometimes stubborn to the point of becoming a fault. This is part of what separates Ichigo from other battle-hungry shonen protagonists in anime and manga like Goku. Ichigo doesn’t fight for the sake of fighting, he fights with a very specific purpose.

F ight scenes highlighting Ichigo’s unwillingness to yield against even the most powerful Bleach villains are a part of several of the best episodes of the series. Ichigo doesn’t fight just to prove his incredible skill with the blade, but to push himself forward into accomplishing the goal at hand, which is often to protect others. This shows Ichigo’s strong resolve and character, as he only cares about his strength in terms of how he can use it practically to help those around him prosper.

11 “Change Is Inevitable. Instead Of Resisting It, You’re Better Served Simply Going With The Flow.”

— Shunsui Kyoraku, Captain of Squad 2

Shunsui looking serious in Bleach.

Shunsui Kyōraku gives his two cents about living life properly by embracing the unpredictable changes that arise instead of fighting hopelessly to keep things as they once were, no matter the circumstances. Often found on the sidelines of most episodes, Shunsui makes up for his lack of screen time with subtle yet inspiring quotes like this one, making sure no one forgets that he’s there. If the few times he does appear are anything to go by, then Shunsui truly has the heart of a poet, are his words are profound in their simplicity.

Shunsui’s statement on change is powerful and fits well with his easygoing nature. Change is a prominent theme throughout Bleach as the main characters rebel against oppressive structures and organizations. The wisdom Shunsui possesses mixed with the relaxed way he carries himself proves that he truly practices what he preaches.

10 “Revenge is just the path you took to escape your suffering.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

Ichigo wielding a sword in a promo iamge for Bleach.

A fairly consistent theme with the best antagonists in Bleach that Ichigo and friends go head-to-head with is that several of them are acting out a way of revenge, whether it be due to a past trauma or a disagreement in ideals. This is part of what makes Ichigo’s group so remarkable throughout Bleach, as they are continually tasked with breaking the cycles of hatred and revenge that have defined the series’ biggest organizations and villains.

Ichigo has always had a way of getting into his foe’s head with the strength of his words and his drive, and this quote showcases that trait exceedingly well. On top of the mind games, Ichigo often attempts to reason with his enemies and morally steer them in the right direction, though most of them already have their minds made up.

9 “Even Those Who Can’t Give You Reasons to Live Can Readily Provide Reasons for Not Wanting to Die.”

— Äs Nödt, Stern Ritter

Äs Nödt is one of the most terrifying enemies to get the spotlight in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War and gives Rukia Kuchiki a glorious chance to shine with her bankai in the process. Empowered by Yhwach as a Quincy, Äs Nödt wields a weaponized fear as his most noteworthy ability, reaching such extremes that his Vollständig causes his targets to be consumed with terror just by looking at him, and he knows it. He spends much of TYBW Part 2, episode #6 monologuing at Rukia about the dominant nature of irrational fear, and its connection with death.

However, much of what Äs Nödt says in this moment speaks for his undoing in Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, with Rukia. As she unleashes her Bankai after turning the tables, viewers soon see Äs Nödt’s reasons for wanting not to die. For all his diatribes and tough talk, he is just as afraid as anyone.

— Byakuya Kuchiki, Captain of Squad 6

Byakuya with pink petals flying around him in Bleach.

Rukia’s brother has a way with his words, striking them into the pride of everyone he comes across. Byakuya speaks his mind without the need for a filter, declaring that an arrogant mind leads to a sullied triumph. Fitting his beautiful fighting style, Byakuya’s words are poetic yet direct, conveying a sense of grandiosity in the specific words he uses to convey such a simple concept.

Regardless of winning or losing, if someone is wrong, they haven’t really won, because their point cannot be proven simply by defeating those who are right. To be victorious merely for the sake of a selfish personal gain that damages the righteous is a flawed way of thinking, even if those who come out on top are too stubborn to admit it. Given Byakuya’s cool-head and even temperament, his declaration that arrogance leads to doom is certainly more than a good summation of his life philosophy.

7 “A man who raises his hands on a woman is trash. If I become trash… It’ll be just like dying.”

— Renji Abarai, Lieutenant of Squad 6

Renji Abarai has always been one of the most respectable and best characters in Bleach, proving yet again that his morals are just as strong as he is. Rukia is as lucky to have men like him and Ichigo by her side as they are to have her. To say that he essentially would rather die than strike at a woman highlights the kind of man he is. Though it can come across as more than a little old-fashioned, Renji’s commitment to never hitting a woman is perfectly in line with character.

Ever the protector, Renji has gone to great lengths to keep those he cares about safe from harm. Despite his chaotic and rough exterior, he has a soft heart that strives to be as loyal as it is benevolent. It’s this more chivalrous side that makes Renji and Rukia such a good pair in Bleach.

6 “My Name is Yhwach, the One Who Will Take Everything from You.”

— Yhwach

Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War has continuously adapted excellent moments from the manga’s swan song, but Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Part 3 could easily have some of the biggest, hyped moments of the franchise. Yhwach is built up nicely as a menacing foe with overwhelming power who represents a true challenge for the story’s heroes. While there have been satisfying victories for the Soul Society in previous episodes, Yhwach shows his unique habit for snapping victory from the jaws of defeat.

This particular Bleach quote is memorable among diehard fans, a highly anticipated highlight of the Thousand-Year Blood War adaptation. The panels alone from its delivery are especially raw and encapsulate just how menacing a villain Yhwach can be.

5 “Don’t break anyone’s heart, they only have one. Break their bones, they have 206.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

As much of a jokester as Ichigo is, underneath it all is a sensitive heart, even if the quote came across as just another one of his sly remarks. Being an older brother with a deceased mom has certainly taught him how soft a heart can be. Ichigo’s quote about breaking bones rather than hearts is the perfect symbol of this, as it shows that though Ichigo is indeed a fighter and won’t hesitate to do what he has to to protect his friends and family, he never does it out of any sense of malice or genuine hatred.

Constantly being put down and underestimated when he first became a Shinigami, Ichigo rarely lets it get to him, especially since he has experienced worse things that forced him to steel himself from an early age. His empathetic nature is seen throughout the anime, especially towards his younger siblings.

4 “Even if no one believes in you, stick out your chest and scream your defiance!”

— Rukia Kuchiki, Lieutenant of Squad 13

One of the most popular characters in Bleach, Rukia Kuchiki is a force to be reckoned with, whether it is in a battle of swords or words. She infatuates others with her stubborn yet thoughtful nature, overflowing with resolve each time she speaks. Rukia’s fierce independence combined with her strong moral convictions are all important parts of why Rukia is such an iconic and important part of Bleach.

Rukia has always pushed Ichigo to do his best and fight for what he believes in since the day they met. In fact, if not for her giving and highly supportive actions, Ichigo never would have become the master Shinigami that he is today. She would never fully credit herself with this (unless as a teasing remark), but Ichigo himself knows the importance of her proud attitude. Ichigo wouldn’t be where he was without Rukia, and some of her more memorable quotes are exactly the reason why.

3 “You Made Me a Monster in Your Own Mind. It Was the Monster You Created That Just Killed You.”

— Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain of Squad 11

Kenpachi’s battle against Gremmy is among the best fights in the entire Bleach series because it’s a direct manifestation of someone who can’t fathom a being as powerful as Kenpachi. This happens time and again during Part 2, episode #7, where Gremmy uses his vast powers to try to put down the captain, including at one point trapping him in the vacuum of space, only for Kenpachi to carve his way out each time. The taunt from this Bleach quote is Kenpachi recognizing Gremmy’s limitations, where the Quincy could not defend himself, thoroughly and inconceivably outmatched.

It’s an example of the pure shōnen badassery of Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War, where Kenpachi gets countless shots depicting his menacing presence in the fight. Kenpachi is an adaptive and fierce fighter, and this exchange, where he fights against someone with the powers of a god-like Gremmy, is a fantastic instance of pure, furious grit.

2 “If you give me wings, I will soar for you, even if this whole land sinks down to the water.”

— Ichigo Kurosaki

Yuzu hugs Ichigo in Bleach.

Even if the situation seems hopeless, Ichigo is a protagonist who will continue to fight for those who have lent him their strength or a shoulder to lean on, especially when it comes to Rukia, Orihime, and others he is close with. Much like many of the other Shinigami Ichigo comes to call friends, Ichigo’s iron willpower is part of what makes him such a relentless and effective fighter.

Ichigo will summon the strength to shatter fate that doesn’t fall in the favor of the innocent, which he demonstrates in arcs like Mala Suerte!, AKA the twenty-third volume of the Bleach manga series. From the first day Ichigo wielded his blade until becoming one of the strongest Shinigami in Bleach, Ichigo has lived and fought to uphold this belief. Unfortunately for him, there’s one more Bleach quote about will power that hits slightly stronger, and fittingly, it comes from one of the series’ strongest fighters.

1 “Do not live bowing down. You must die standing up.”

–Genryusai Shigekuni Yamamoto, Head Captain of Squad 1

Yamamoto's eyes burn yellow in Bleach

Genryusai Yamamoto, the elderly commander of the whole Gotei 13, fought for long enough to know that backing down was out of the question for him and the Shinigami under his dictation. This dedication and sheer willpower made him a formidable force to be reckoned with, even ignoring his strength. Unfortunately for his opponents though, Yamamoto’s strength represents the absolute peak of a Soul Reaper.

He is absurdly powerful, easily ranking at the very top of Bleach’s most powerful Soul Reaper captains. Even when Yamamoto only had one arm as he dueled a main antagonist who was actively stealing his power and using it against him, Yamamoto battled to the death with all the might he had left. To live in submission is to have no honor, validating this until his very last breath. This makes Yamamoto’s proclamation that he would die standing Bleach’s best quote by far.

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