
Como a “espiã chinesa” Linda Sun “se infiltrou” no governo do estado democrata e usou riquezas para comprar patos salgados, uma Ferrari nova e um apartamento brilhante em Honolulu

A suposta espiã chinesa Linda Sun promoveu a agenda do Partido Comunista Chinês no gabinete do governador de Nova York em troca de vantagens como patos salgados e uma Ferrari 2024, de acordo com promotores.

A suposta agente chinesa Linda Sun foi presa na terça-feira de manhã

Linda Sun, que ocupou vários cargos sob os governadores Andrew Cuomo e Kathy Hochul entre 2012 e 2023, foi presa na terça-feira de manhã junto com seu marido, Chris Hu, em sua mansão de US$ 4 milhões em Long Island.

Os promotores dizem que Sun secretamente trabalhou para promover os interesses do PCC em NY, particularmente quando se tratava de Taiwan, que o PCC considera parte da China. Ela é acusada de bloquear representantes do governo taiwanês e até mesmo de comparecer a um protesto contra o presidente taiwanês em NYC em 2018.

Em 2020, Sun enviou uma mensagem de texto a um oficial chinês dizendo: “Quase tive um ataque cardíaco quando nos referimos a Taiwan como um país. Felizmente, a equipe de imprensa corrigiu imediatamente.”

Sun impulsionou a agenda do Partido Comunista Chinês nos gabinetes do governador de Nova York por vantagens como patos salgados e uma Ferrari 2024, de acordo com promotores

Sun impulsionou a agenda do Partido Comunista Chinês nos gabinetes do governador de Nova York por vantagens como patos salgados e uma Ferrari 2024, de acordo com promotores

Em 2021, quando Cuomo ainda era governador, autoridades chinesas solicitaram um vídeo do Ano Novo Lunar dele. Sun disse que Hochul, então vice-governadora, provavelmente poderia fazê-lo e pediu “pontos de discussão sobre coisas que você quer que ela mencione”.

“Principalmente votos de boas festas e esperança de amizade e cooperação / Nada muito político”, disse uma autoridade a ela, de acordo com a acusação.

Sun disse mais tarde a um oficial diferente que ela havia discutido com o redator do discurso de Hochul sobre o rascunho, porque o redator do discurso insistiu em mencionar a “situação uigur” na China. Ela prometeu que não deixaria isso acontecer, e o discurso final não mencionou a minoria étnica muçulmana ou a perseguição que eles enfrentam na China, de acordo com a acusação.

Sun trabalhou no governo estadual por quase 15 anos, primeiro em 2009 como chefe de gabinete da deputada da Assembleia Estadual de Nova York, Grace Meng, que agora é membro do congresso.

Ela então ocupou cargos na administração do ex-governador Andrew Cuomo a partir de 2012, incluindo Gerente de Comércio Global de Nova York, Diretora de Extensão Asiática do Gabinete do Governador e Representante Regional do Queens.

Em 2018, o governo Cuomo nomeou Sun como diretor de diversidade.

Sun e Hu declararam-se inocentes durante uma audiência inicial no tribunal na tarde de terça-feira no Brooklyn e foram libertados sob fiança.

Sun e Hu declararam-se inocentes durante uma audiência inicial no tribunal na tarde de terça-feira no Brooklyn e foram libertados sob fiança.

Sun é visto em um protesto de 2019 contra a visita do presidente taiwanês em Nova York, segundo promotores

Sun é visto em um protesto de 2019 contra a visita do presidente taiwanês em Nova York, segundo promotores

Em setembro de 2021, ela foi nomeada vice-chefe de gabinete da Hochul, de acordo com seu perfil no LinkedIn. Ela permaneceu no cargo por cerca de 15 meses.

Em janeiro de 2019, Sun escreveu a um funcionário do PCC: ‘Valorizo ​​muito meu relacionamento com o consulado e fiz muitas coisas para que o relacionamento entre o estado e o consulado florescesse durante meu mandato. [redacted politician.

‘Certainly I have managed to stop al relationships between the TECO (Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office) and the state. I have denied all requests from their office.’ 

Sun allegedly used the proceeds of her illegal work to buy the Manhasset home as well as a $2.1 million condo in Hawaii and luxury vehicles including a 2024 Ferrari.

She received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and 'Nanjing-style salted ducks' that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official

She received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and ‘Nanjing-style salted ducks’ that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official

She also received smaller gifts, the indictment said, including tickets to performances by a visiting Chinese orchestra and ballet groups and ‘Nanjing-style salted ducks’ that were prepared by the personal chef of a Chinese government official and delivered to Sun’s parents’ home in New York. 

Sun is also accused of obtaining proclamations and invitations from the governor’s office for Chinese officials without authorization and even attempting to facilitate an unnamed top NY politician’s trip to China.

In return, Sun and her family received substantial economic benefits from Chinese officials, including millions of dollars towards her husband’s businesses in NY and China, according to the DOJ.

Sun is seen above being honored at a People's Republic of China consulate event in an image included in the Department of Justice's indictment

Sun is seen above being honored at a People’s Republic of China consulate event in an image included in the Department of Justice’s indictment 

Sun is seen posing with All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) members in more evidence presented by the US government

Sun is seen posing with All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese (ACFROC) members in more evidence presented by the US government

Her husband Hu is accused of laundering the ill-gotten gains through the bank accounts of a close relative. 

According to the indictment, Sun and Hu did not obtain mortgage loans for their Long Island or Hawaii homes when they bought them in 2021 – ‘ and the acquisitions occurred soon after HU received a series of wire transfers from a PRC-based account bearing the name of the Business Partner totaling more than $2.1 million.’

When a relative messaged Sun expressing concerned that people would wonder how she could afford the Long Island mansion, Sun replied: ‘Mortgage.’

Sun and Hu pleaded not guilty during an initial court appearance on Tuesday afternoon in Brooklyn and were released on bond. Sun has been barred from having any contact with the People’s Republic of China’s consulate and mission.

Her defense lawyer, Jarrod Schaeffer, said, ‘We’re looking forward to addressing these charges in court. Our client is understandably upset that these charges have been brought.’

Chris Hu's Queens liquor shop is pictured. Sun and her family received substantial economic benefits from Chinese officials, including millions of dollars towards her husband's businesses in NY and China

Chris Hu’s Queens liquor shop is pictured. Sun and her family received substantial economic benefits from Chinese officials, including millions of dollars towards her husband’s businesses in NY and China

In a statement, a spokesperson for Hochul’s office said the administration fired Sun after ‘discovering evidence of misconduct.’

‘This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process,’ the statement reads.

Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi downplayed Sun’s reach in the former governor’s administration, saying she ‘worked in a handful of agencies and was one of many community liaisons who had little to no interaction with the governor.’ 


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